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Mastering Prompting on ChatGPT and Google Bard: The Only Formula You Need

Mastering Prompting on ChatGPT and Google Bard: The Only Formula You Need   Hello friends,  If you’re new here, my name is Rajat Rastogi. A couple of months ago, I realized that prompting is an important skill to learn, but I wasn’t exactly sure why some prompts generate outputs that are super generic while others give you precisely what you’re looking for. Since then, I’ve spent hundreds of hours taking prompt engineering courses and applying what I’ve learned in my daily life. In this article, I’m sharing the six building blocks that make up a good prompt so that you can use this formula to consistently generate high-quality outputs. Understanding the Six Components of a Good Prompt It’s critical to not only know what the six components are – task, context, exemplars, persona, format, and tone – but also understand that there’s an order of importance to these six components. To illustrate what I mean, let’s use this simple example: “I’m a 70kg male. Give me a three-month training program.” The first part is context followed by the task. The reason why the task is higher up in the form of the hierarchy is if we just input the task without the context, there’s still some sort of meaningful output. But if we just give ChatGPT the context, nothing really happens. In other words, it’s mandatory to have a task in your prompt. It’s important to include relevant context and exemplars. And it’s nice to have persona, format, and tone. When you think of writing your prompt, go down this mental checklist. This formula will act as a constant reminder for you to include just enough relevant information when writing prompts. As you’ll see in this next part, you do not need all six components in every prompt to have a good output. Breaking Down Each Building Block with Specific Examples Task The rule of thumb is to always start the task sentence with an action verb – generate, give, write, analyze, etc., and clearly articulate what your end goal is. It could be one simple task like generating a three-month training program or a complex three-step ask like analyzing hundreds of user feedback, sharing the top three takeaways, and categorizing the feedback based on the team responsible for following up. Context The second component, context, is the trickiest to get right because technically there’s an infinite amount of information you can give. So I found asking myself these three questions to be super helpful in coming up with just enough information to get a good result from ChatGPT: What’s the user’s background? What does success look like? What environment are they in? Back to the workout example, we now have: “I’m a 70kg male looking to put on five kilograms of muscle mass over the next three months. I only have time to go to the gym twice a week and for one hour each session. Give me a three-month training program to follow.” Could I have added more background information? Of course! But the key to staying productive with ChatGPT and Bard is giving just enough information to constrain the endless possibilities. Exemplars Moving over to the exemplars component – it’s just a fancy way of saying examples. Basically, all research on large language models (LLMs) has shown that including examples within the prompt drastically improves the quality of the output. Starting with a simple example: “This is a poorly written bullet point from a resume.” We can now ask ChatGPT to rewrite this bullet point using this structure: “I accomplished X by measure Y that resulted in Z.” This is actually best practice by the way – so actually do this in your resume! For example: “I lowered Hospital mortality rate by 10% by educating nurses.” orders in the first 24 hours. You are tasked with writing a press release to announce this milestone. Use a professional and enthusiastic tone. Here’s an example of a press release: “Apple Inc. is thrilled to announce that our latest innovation, the Apple Car, has received an overwhelming response from customers worldwide with 12,000 pre-orders within the first 24 hours of unveiling.”   Interview Preparation: Answering “What’s Your Biggest Weakness?” When preparing for an interview, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out answer to the question, “What’s your biggest weakness?” Using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Results) answer framework can be helpful. Here’s an example: Situation: In my previous role as a project manager, I realized that my biggest weakness was delegating tasks. Task: I was responsible for leading a team and ensuring the successful completion of projects. Action: I took up leadership training courses and started using project management tools to better assign tasks and track progress. Result: This not only improved my delegation skills but also increased the team’s productivity by 20%. Writing a Job Description Writing a job description can be made easier by referencing an existing one. For instance, if you found a job description on LinkedIn that you liked, you could use it as a guide. The output will follow the same formatting and use professional language, saving you time. The Importance of Persona The persona component is essentially who you want ChatGPT and Bard to be. Think of someone you wish you had instant access to with the task you’re facing. If you’re working on a creative brief, that person might be a senior product marketing manager who’s great at storytelling. Formatting Your Output Visualize how exactly you want the end result to look like. For instance, if you’re dealing with user feedback, you might want ChatGPT to output a table with three headers: the original feedback, the team responsible for following up, and priority. Setting the Tone The tone is easy to understand but can be challenging to implement because we’re usually not very good at recalling potential adjectives and adverbs at a moment’s notice. So here’s a pro tip: tell ChatGPT the feeling you’re going for. For example, if you’re writing an email

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5 High-value Skills for Success in Your Career

5 High-value Skills for Success in Your Career

5 High-value Skills for Success in Your Career “Master high-value skills and your life will be settled” is a common phrase we hear throughout our academic and professional journey. However, this might not be the complete truth. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are essential skills for success in both academic and professional journeys. Mastering these skills can lead to job creation and job elimination. Start with Python and explore various libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and TensorFlow. Salesmanship is crucial for success in any career, as it involves selling oneself through speech, attire, salary expectations, and personal relationships. Effective writing differentiates brands from mediocre ones, and social media and personal branding are essential for gaining attention and advancing in your career. Focus on discoverability and mastering these skills to succeed in your professional journey. 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning The ability to use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools in your workflow is going to be crucial in the next five years. Regardless of your field, understanding the basics of these tools can help you accomplish more in less time. Job descriptions will soon include the requirement of knowing AI tools and prompt engineering. The demand for AI and ML skills is skyrocketing across the globe. While AI is predicted to eliminate about 8.7 crore jobs in the next five years, it’s also expected to create 6.9 crore new jobs. To seize these opportunities, start with Python as your programming language, then learn about different Python libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and frameworks like TensorFlow and Scikit-learn. Once you’ve mastered these, move on to understanding different types of models, neural networks, deep learning, and how to create deep neural networks to solve specific problems. If you’re unsure about where to start, AWS offers a free Machine Learning Basics course that covers essential concepts, terminology, and phases of the machine learning pipeline. Read More: The Future of AI in Digital Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges 2. Salesmanship The second high-value skill that most people neglect is salesmanship. Consider two individuals: one holds the Guinness World Record for being the best salesman in the world, and the other is Jordan Belfort, the infamous salesman portrayed in “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Both excel at persuading others to take action, a skill that many college students and early-career professionals lack. We are all salespeople in some way or another. We sell ourselves for opportunities through our speech, attire, salary expectations, and even in our relationships. Unfortunately, many of us are poor at selling ourselves. This skill can set you up for an amazing career if you master it. Start by striking up conversations with strangers and reading books like “Influence” and “48 Laws of Power.” 3. Effective Writing The third skill is effective writing or copywriting. This skill differentiates the best brands from mediocre ones. Clever ads stick in our minds because they have an effective copy. If a Google search of your name doesn’t yield your blogs, Instagram, or LinkedIn profiles, that’s a problem. People spend about seven seconds on your LinkedIn profile, so having a captivating headline is crucial to stand out from the crowd. The same applies to cold emails and DMs. The only way to get better at copywriting is through practice and studying successful examples. 4. People Management The fourth high-value skill is people management. Until now, you’ve been working independently – studying alone, writing exams alone, reading books alone. However, your career will involve working in teams, possibly leading people and persuading them. This skill is crucial for advancing to higher executive roles. Pranav, a staff engineer at Facebook, shared that the most important skill he uses every day is the ability to work effectively with people. He spends most of his time assigning tasks and working with his team to achieve goals. The only way to improve this skill is by working with teams in clubs and societies in your college. 5. Social Media and Personal Branding The fifth high-value skill is social media and personal branding. Most people learn a skill, send out applications, and then just wait. They keep waiting, keep getting rejected, and feel sad every time. The problem is that they’re not focusing on their discoverability. The minute I started sharing my journey and learnings on LinkedIn, I got a ton of opportunities while just in the second year of college. So put yourself out there, share your learnings, and see the magic that happens as a result. When you combine all these five skills with your core skill – knowing how to effectively use AI tools, selling something effectively, persuading people, writing effectively, managing people, being discoverable, and having a strong brand on social media – you become unstoppable. People would want to work with you and will pay you 10x more than what others are making in your same industry. Remember to hit the like button and subscribe to this channel for more valuable content. This might just be what you need to get a great head start in your career! To wrap up, don’t forget to check out the free AWS Machine Learning Basics course. It’s a great resource to help you get started with the field of AI. Read More: The Top 8 High-Demand Skills in Digital Marketing 2024 How can I improve my branding? To enhance personal branding, follow key steps: define your attributes, invest in professional photos, create a unique brand look, document and share experiences, learn to speak on camera, test different platforms, create a schedule, connect with your audience, keep social accounts relevant, and build credibility. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, participate in relevant online groups, and stay ahead of the competition. Remember, personal branding is about projecting yourself to the outside world, so be proud of your story. Improving your branding entails a few crucial steps: Define Your Attributes and Strengths: Recognize what makes you special and how you can differentiate yourself from others. Invest in high-quality photographs

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Find the Cheapest ChatGPT Alternatives for Your Business

Find the Cheapest ChatGPT Alternatives for Your Business

Find the Cheapest ChatGPT Alternatives for Your Business ChatGPT is a tool that has swept the business world off its feet in recent years. The debut of this generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology in 2022 piqued the curiosity of enterprises and average customers. The ability of ChatGPT to generate human-sounding writing intrigued everyone. However, you may have encountered difficulties while attempting to use ChatGPT for your business. Perhaps you’re annoyed that its knowledge ends in 2021, or that it occasionally runs slowly since so many people are accessing the server. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for alternatives to AI tools. We’ll go over nine potential ChatGPT alternatives for you to explore in this list, including: 15 ChatGPT Alternatives You Can Try In 2023 Microsoft Bing Chat Copy AI Jasper AI ChatSonic Google Bard YouChat Claude Character.Ai LLaMA Perplexity Team AI Poe AI Quora Poe OpenAi Playground Build your own Tools that use GPT Something to understand about generative AI is that there’s a difference between an AI tool and an AI model. ChatGPT is an example of an AI tool. However, the large language model (LLM) that it runs on is GPT-3.5, a version of the broader GPT model developed by OpenAI. Maybe you’re looking for a different AI tool that still uses the GPT model, or maybe you want a different LLM altogether. On this list, we’ll cover some options in both of those categories, beginning with three ChatGPT alternatives that still use GPT. There is a distinction to be made between an AI tool and an AI model when discussing generative AI. An example of an AI tool is ChatGPT. However, the large language model (LLM) on which it is based is GPT-3.5, a subset of OpenAI’s larger GPT model. Maybe you want a new AI tool that still employs the GPT model, or maybe you want a completely different LLM. We’ll go through some possibilities in both categories on this list, starting with three ChatGPT replacements that still employ GPT. 1. Microsoft Bing Chat Price: Free One of the most well-known ChatGPT substitutes is Microsoft Bing Chat, which uses the GPT-4 model to function. Given that Microsoft is one of the main investors in OpenAI, it is not surprising that it chose to use this LLM. The functions of this tool are the same as those of ChatGPT, albeit in a slightly different format. Bing Chat, as opposed to ChatGPT, provides access to current events, which is a notable distinction. Bing Chat on Microsoft is a potent AI chatbot that offers current news from the internet. It’s a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to communicate with an AI that can offer current information. However, it provides frequently superficial replies and is less human-like than its rivals. Pro: Real-time data access and trustworthy source citations Cons: Gives flimsy responses and is less human-like. 2. Copy AI Price: Free, or $36+ per month for an upgraded plan A variety of material can be produced with AI writing tools, including online copy, blogs, emails, and social media posts. For those who are new to using AI technology, it is ideal. Another simple generative AI program that uses GPT-3 is Copy AI. It provides templates for things like blog articles and other content categories in addition to a standard chat feature. It’s wonderful for helping with content creation and for finding solutions to inquiries. With the free plan, you are restricted to 2000 words, but subscribing to the subscription plan, which may cost up to $36 per month, gives you access to an unlimited word count. Pro: Possibilities for customization, a large selection of templates, and high-quality content creation Cons: Doesn’t save your work immediately, and the prompt you can enter has a word restriction. 3. Jasper AI Price: $39 Monthly Cost Jasper AI is a powerful writing tool with AI integration that ensures efficient content delivery. It’s a great tool for copywriters looking to develop and refine their writing style and boost output. The most finished tool on this list might be Jasper. It has a lot to offer and is aware of this, which is why it is more expensive than the other AI tools on this list. Along with the option to chat and copywriting assistance, Jasper also offers an image creation tool. There are many different content templates available, and you can even teach them to replicate your distinctive brand voice. Given all those benefits, some companies could think the cost is justified. Utilizing other LLMs Let’s look at other platforms that employ alternative AI models now that we’ve examined some alternative AI tools that still use OpenAI’s GPT model. Pro: Produces high-quality content and is effective for both long- and short-form content Cons: May provide false statements, details, or facts 4. ChatSonic Price: Free Version Available It promises to be powered by Google Search, which means it might potentially help you create content with reliable, true information on hot subjects and current events in real time. ChatGPT is based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model, which was trained on a massive dataset of text and code, but that dataset only includes information up to 2021. This means that ChatGPT cannot generate content about current events that have happened since then. ChatSonic may have a way to access and process current information, but it is not clear how this works. If ChatSonic is simply using Google Search to retrieve information, then it is likely that the information will be delayed by at least a few minutes, if not more. Additionally, there is no guarantee that all of the information that ChatSonic retrieves from Google Search will be accurate. Overall, it is important to be cautious when using ChatSonic to generate content about current events. It is always best to verify the information that ChatSonic provides with other sources before publishing it. Here are some things you can do to verify the accuracy of information generated by ChatSonic: Fact-check the information using other

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emotional storytelling to their audience to connect better

The Magic of Emotional Storytelling: How to Connect Deeply with Your Audience

The Magic of Emotional Storytelling Emotions are like the glue that holds people together. In the world of digital marketing, knowing how to use Emotional Storytelling is like having a superpower to create strong connections with your audience. Imagine it as a magical world of stories where words build bridges between your brand’s feelings and your audience’s hearts. The Power of Emotion in Digital Marketing In today’s digital age, where algorithms and analytics often dictate our marketing strategies, it’s easy to overlook the human element at the core of every successful campaign. Amidst the numbers and graphs, we must remember that our audience consists of real people, each with their own feelings, dreams, and desires. This is where the magic of Emotional Storytelling comes into play, transforming marketing from a transactional experience to a deeply emotional journey. Why Emotion Matters in Storytelling The Heart of Emotional Storytelling At the core of every compelling story lies the power of emotion. Whether it’s a heartwarming tale of triumph over adversity or a suspenseful narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat, stories have the remarkable ability to evoke feelings and establish connections. This is because our brains are wired to respond to stories. The Pillars of Effective Emotional Storytelling When we hear a captivating story, our brains release oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone.” This chemical not only makes us feel more connected to the story and its characters but also enhances our ability to remember the information conveyed. In essence, Emotional Storytelling isn’t just about engaging emotions; it’s also about improving information retention. Relatability: Connecting Through Shared Experiences Conflict and Resolution: Every powerful story features a conflict that needs resolution. This mirrors the challenges your audience faces. When you demonstrate how your product or service can help them overcome these obstacles, you’re not just selling; you’re offering a solution to their problems. Conflict and Resolution: A Journey to Overcome Challenges Authenticity: Authenticity is the cornerstone of Emotional Storytelling. Your audience can discern when you’re being genuine and when you’re simply trying to manipulate their emotions. Share real stories from your brand or your customers’ experiences. Authenticity builds trust and nurtures a deeper emotional connection. Brands That Have Mastered Emotional Storytelling Nike: The sports giant has perfected the art of tapping into emotions. With its iconic “Just Do It” campaign, Nike has inspired countless individuals to pursue their dreams, no matter the hurdles. These stories are about pushing boundaries, overcoming setbacks, and achieving greatness. Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola has been touching our hearts for years with its heartwarming holiday commercials. These stories revolve around themes of unity, togetherness, and the joy of sharing moments with loved ones. They capture the essence of the holiday season and the emotions that come with it. Apple: Apple’s product launches are nothing short of theatrical performances. They are meticulously orchestrated to tell a story of innovation, creativity, and a brighter future. Through these events, Apple doesn’t just showcase its products; it narrates a story of how technology can enhance our lives. Crafting Your Brand’s Emotional Story Now that we’ve explored the profound impact of Emotional Storytelling, let’s delve into how you can craft your brand’s story to connect with your audience on a deeper level: Know Your Audience: Before you can tell a compelling story, you must understand who you’re telling it to. Thoroughly research your audience to discover their pain points, values, and aspirations. Identify Your Brand’s Values: What does your brand stand for? What are its core values? These should align with the values of your target audience. When your values resonate, an emotional connection is established. Choose the Right Platform: Different platforms cater to different types of storytelling. Whether it’s a blog post, a video on YouTube, or a series of Instagram stories, select the platform that best suits your message and your audience’s preferences. Be Consistent: Your brand’s story should be consistent across all channels and touchpoints. This consistency reinforces the emotional connection you’re building with your audience. Measure and Adapt: Monitor the success of your Emotional Storytelling efforts. Analyze metrics like engagement, shares, and conversion rates. If something isn’t working, be willing to adjust your approach. Blog Conclusion Emotional Storytelling is the alchemy that transforms your brand from a mere entity to an emotional companion in the lives of your audience. By understanding the psychology behind storytelling and embracing the core elements of relatability, conflict and resolution, and authenticity, you can weave narratives that resonate deeply with your target audience. Remember, people may forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Utilize the magic of Emotional Storytelling to evoke emotions, nurture connections, and cultivate lasting relationships with your customers. In a world increasingly dominated by screens, it’s the emotional touch that distinguishes your brand and ensures its place in the hearts of your audience.

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