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The Solo Agency Model: A Comprehensive Guide

The Solo Agency Model: A Comprehensive Guide

The Solo Agency Model: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the Solo Agency Model in this comprehensive guide. Learn about its six different models, how to choose the right one for you, and the importance of the Responsibility Filter in running a successful solo agency.


In the world of digital marketing, the Solo Agency Model has emerged as a lucrative and efficient business model. This model is designed to maximize profits while minimizing stress, offering the best of both worlds. It’s a model that allows you to land big clients and generate significant revenue without the hassle of managing employees and dealing with overhead costs.

What is a Solo Agency?

A solo agency is a business model where there is only one full-time paid salary employee – you. Everything else in the business is run, outsourced, or managed by part-time contractors or tools. This model is larger than a solo freelancer model but smaller and leaner than a traditional agency.

The Solo Agency Blueprint

The Solo Agency Blueprint is a comprehensive program that provides a step-by-step guide to setting up your dream agency. This program is divided into six modules, each designed to give you everything you need from start to finish.

The Six Solo Agency Models

Choosing the right model for your solo agency is critical. It should highlight your skills and eliminate the parts of running a business that you like the least. Here are the six different solo agency models:

  1. Single Person Done For You Service: This is the most common model and is essentially a glorified freelancer. You do all the work, including sales, and the clients do none of the work.
  2. Single Person Done With You Option: In this model, rather than doing all the work for the client, you act as a guide and help the client do the work. Some clients prefer this and are even willing to pay more for this type of service.
  3. Assisted Fulfillment: This is a common way to run your solo agency. You hire part-time contractors or tools to do all of the fulfillment, and you manage sales communication and other high-level tasks.
  4. Assisted Management Model: This model is for those who love actually doing the work. For example, if you’re a web designer and you love designing websites, this model would be a good fit.
  1. Assisted Management Model: This model is for those who love doing the work and dislike the management, sales, billing, and invoicing aspects of the business. In this model, you can hire contractors and employ tools to handle all the management for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
  2. White Label Model: In this model, you are the business front. You sell the services, but then you use a white label agency to do the work. This model allows you to do the heavy lifting while still making money.
  3. Ghost Model: This model is where you act as the behind-the-scenes person. You’re basically the white label service. You reach out to other agencies and individuals who are offering the services and tell them to pass you the work. This is a great option if you just really like to do the work and don’t want to deal with any of the other fluff.

Choosing the Right Model

Choosing the right model is not only critical to your success but will also determine your happiness and enjoyment when running your business. If you end up doing all the things that you hate, you’re going to hate your job. So, if you hate bookkeeping, find a tool to do it for you. If you hate managing projects, hire a part-time project manager. If you hate communicating with clients, find somebody to do it or set rules and boundaries that limit communication.

The Responsibility Filter

The responsibility filter is a critical part of running a solo agency. Without it, your agency will likely flop. This filter helps you delegate tasks that you don’t enjoy or aren’t good at, allowing you to focus on what you do best and make a greater impact.

The Solo Agency Blueprint

The Solo Agency Blueprint is a comprehensive program that delves into the nitty-gritty of running a business. It covers everything from structure and strategy to finances, client acquisition, and fulfillment. This blueprint is designed to answer all your questions, solve all your problems, and guide you in running your business the right way.

The course is currently under production and will be priced at $997 upon launch. However, you can pre-order the course now for just $329. Pre-orders will be closing soon due to the limited availability of the discounted price.

The Responsibility Filter

The Responsibility Filter is a safeguard for your time as the CEO. It serves as a boundary that keeps you focused on the tasks that will move your business forward. The filter has three layers: boundaries, tools, and people.

Every time a new task or responsibility comes your way, you should run it through this filter. The first layer, boundaries, involves determining if you can eliminate the task or set up systems that will eliminate the need for it. If the task can’t be eliminated, it moves to the second layer, tools. Here, you ask if there are any tools that can do the work for you. With the advancements in AI and the plethora of no-code tools available, you’d be surprised at how much can be automated. If a task can’t be handled by tools, it moves to the third layer, people. You then consider if there are people who can do the task. If not, it might be time to find people who can. Only if a task cannot be handled by boundaries, tools, or people should you take it on yourself.

By running everything through this filter, you can ensure that you’re only focused on the high-level tasks that will generate revenue for your business. The overall goal is for you, as the CEO, to focus on sales, marketing, branding, and client acquisition. If you’re caught up in responding to emails and double-checking web pages and content, you won’t be able to focus on the higher-level tasks.

To celebrate the pre-sale of our Solo Agency Blueprint, we have a lot more useful content about solo agencies coming soon. 

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