
Internet Gurukul: Best Performance Marketing Agency in India

What is Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Online Marketing Overview by Definition, types Futer Trends and more

According to my experience, Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses all forms of marketing that use online channels, such as websites, social media, and search engines. It is not a subset of marketing, but rather a separate discipline with its own unique set of tools and techniques.

Online marketing is a powerful method of marketing used to reach a wider audience, target specific demographics, and track results more easily than traditional marketing methods. In today’s digital age, businesses of all sizes need to have a strong online marketing presence.

According to Dictionary.com

Dictionary.com Marketing definetion

Note:- two methods of audience targeting are-
1. Strategic Implementation
blog posting, a Facebook group targeting, etc.
2. Technical Implementation
google conversion ads, Facebook ads, etc.

Examples of online digital marketing include:
A diagram showing the different types of digital marketing.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines like Google.
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC): paying for advertisements to appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) or social media platforms.
  • Social media marketing: creating and sharing content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to increase brand awareness and engagement.
  • Content marketing: creating and sharing valuable content, such as blog posts, e-books, or videos, to attract and retain a specific audience.
  • Email marketing: sending emails to a list of subscribers to promote products or services, build relationships, or provide updates.

Offline digital marketing techniques include:

  • Out-of-home advertising: This involves using billboards, transit ads, or other types of visual media to promote your brand or product. This can be a great way to reach a broad audience and create a strong visual impression.
  • TV marketing: This involves running commercials on television to promote your brand or product. TV marketing can be a very effective way to reach a large audience, but it can also be very expensive.
  • Radio marketing: This involves running commercials on the radio to promote your brand or product. Radio marketing can be a less expensive way to reach a large audience than TV marketing, but it can also be less effective.

You can do digital marketing online and offline, and using a combination is vital to any well-rounded strategy. These techniques and strategies help businesses to reach their target audience, engage with them, and ultimately convert them into customers.

Here are some of the reasons why digital marketing is so essential to businesses:

  • It can help you reach a wider audience: Digital marketing allows you to reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods, such as print or television advertising. This is because digital marketing can be used to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and even behaviors.
  • It can help you build relationships with your customers: Digital marketing can help you build relationships with your customers by providing them with valuable content and engaging with them on social media. This can lead to increased brand loyalty and sales.
  • It can help you track your results: Digital marketing allows you to track your results so you can see what’s working and what’s not. This information can be used to improve your campaigns and get better results.

If you’re not already using digital marketing, I encourage you to start today. It’s an essential tool for any business that wants to reach a wider audience, build relationships with customers, and track results.

The power of digital marketing 

It is more effective than traditional marketing because it allows businesses to reach their target audience anytime and anywhere. For example, a businessman in Meerut can reach a customer in Delhi who is between the ages of 25 and 35, male, active on their phone at 6 pm, a fan of BJP, Kapil Sharma, Virat Kohli, or Dhoni, and a fan of Bigg Boss. It can be done through targeted ads on Facebook and Google. Online marketing is also more cost effective than traditional marketing.

For example,

  1. suppose I am a businessman or small business owner in Meerut and my customer lives in Delhi, and she is a 25-35-year-old woman who is active on her phone at 6 pm, and is a fan of BJP, Kapil Sharma, Virat Kohli, or Dhoni, and likes to watch Bigg Boss. In that case, I can reach her through targeted ads on Facebook and Google. This allows me to sell my product or services, raise awareness, and cost-effectively promote my business.
  2. let’s say you are a small business owner who sells handmade jewelry. Your buyer persona might be a 25-35-year-old woman who lives in a major city, is interested in fashion and beauty and has a disposable income. She might be active on social media and likes to follow fashion bloggers and influencers. When creating your marketing messages, you can tailor them to appeal to this specific buyer persona.
  3. let’s say you are a business owner who sells online courses. Your ideal customer might be a working professional looking to learn a new skill. They are likely to be between the ages of 25 and 35, have a college degree, and live in a major city. They are also likely to be interested in personal development, technology, and business.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing

It is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes reach their target audience, build relationships with customers, and drive sales. Here are some of the benefits of digital marketing:

  • Cost-effective: Digital marketing is a more cost-effective way to reach your target audience than traditional marketing methods, such as print advertising and TV commercials. People who are interested in what you have to offer are only reached when you target your ads to specific demographics and interests.
  • Targeted audience: It allows you to target your ads to specific demographics and interests. This means you can reach the people most likely to be interested in your products or services.
  • Measurable results: It is measurable, so you can track the results of your campaigns and see what’s working and what’s not. This information can be used to improve your campaigns and get better results.
  • Global reach: Online Advertising allows you to reach a global audience. You can create content that is accessible to people all over the world, and you can target your ads to specific countries or regions.
  • Personalization: Internet marketing allows you to personalize your messages to your target audience. You can use data to create content that is relevant to their interests and needs.
  • Increased engagement: It can help you to increase engagement with your target audience. You can create content that is shareable and engaging, and you can use social media to interact with your customers directly.

How to create a buyer persona for digital marketing

One important thing to remember when doing digital marketing is to create a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. By understanding your buyer persona, you can create content and ads that are specifically targeted to them. This will help you to reach your target audience more effectively and improve your conversion rates.

If you’re not already using digital marketing and buyer personas in your business, I encourage you to start. It’s a great way to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and to reach more of your target audience.

Here is an example of a buyer persona that you could create for your business:

  • Name: Priya
  • Age: 25-35
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Delhi
  • Occupation: Software Engineer
  • Interests: Fashion, travel, food, music
  • Pain points: Wants to find affordable fashion trends, want to travel more but it’s expensive, doesn’t have a lot of time to cook healthy meals
  • Goals: Wants to look stylish, wants to explore new places, wants to eat healthier

Some Sample images:
Coustumer Avatar 
Multiple personas Customer Avatar overview

You can create marketing campaigns tailored to their needs and interests once you have created a buyer persona. For example, you could create a blog post about affordable fashion trends that Priya would be interested in reading.. You could also create social media ads that target Priya’s interests in travel and food.

By using Internet marketing and buyer personas, you can reach your target audience more effectively and drive more results for your business.

In 2023, AI marketing is making digital marketing even easier.

role of Ai-marketing in day to day life

This is because AI can help businesses to create more personalized and relevant content for their target audience. As a result, businesses can expect to see even better results from their digital marketing campaigns.

Future Trends or Modern Era of Online Marketing and Advertising :

  • Interactive content
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Augmented Reality ( AR) and Virtual Reality ( VR )
  • Voice Search Optimization
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Here are some additional thoughts on the future of online marketing:

    • The rise of voice search: Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s a trend that is only going to continue to grow in the future. Businesses optimize their websites and content for voice search in order to be found by potential customers.
    • The importance of mobile marketing: Mobile marketing is already a major trend, and it’s only going to become more important in the future. This is because more and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. Businesses need to make sure that their websites and content are optimized for mobile devices to reach this growing audience.
    • The need for authenticity: In the age of social media, consumers are more skeptical than ever of marketing messages. This means that businesses need to be authentic in their marketing efforts to build trust with potential customers. This means being transparent about who you are and what you do and avoiding creating marketing messages that are too salty or manipulative.

    The future of online marketing is bright, but it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the latest trends. By doing so, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are effective and reach your target audience.


In conclusion, digital marketing is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It can help you reach a wider audience, be more cost-effective, and measure your results. By creating a buyer persona, you can create marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with your target audience.

Business owners, job seekers, students, and anyone looking to learn digital marketing should join Internet Gurukul. They are a leading Best Advertising, Online marketing agency, and training provider that can help you take your business to the next level.


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