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October 2023


Mastering Prompting on ChatGPT and Google Bard: The Only Formula You Need

Mastering Prompting on ChatGPT and Google Bard: The Only Formula You Need   Hello friends,  If you’re new here, my name is Rajat Rastogi. A couple of months ago, I realized that prompting is an important skill to learn, but I wasn’t exactly sure why some prompts generate outputs that are super generic while others give you precisely what you’re looking for. Since then, I’ve spent hundreds of hours taking prompt engineering courses and applying what I’ve learned in my daily life. In this article, I’m sharing the six building blocks that make up a good prompt so that you can use this formula to consistently generate high-quality outputs. Understanding the Six Components of a Good Prompt It’s critical to not only know what the six components are – task, context, exemplars, persona, format, and tone – but also understand that there’s an order of importance to these six components. To illustrate what I mean, let’s use this simple example: “I’m a 70kg male. Give me a three-month training program.” The first part is context followed by the task. The reason why the task is higher up in the form of the hierarchy is if we just input the task without the context, there’s still some sort of meaningful output. But if we just give ChatGPT the context, nothing really happens. In other words, it’s mandatory to have a task in your prompt. It’s important to include relevant context and exemplars. And it’s nice to have persona, format, and tone. When you think of writing your prompt, go down this mental checklist. This formula will act as a constant reminder for you to include just enough relevant information when writing prompts. As you’ll see in this next part, you do not need all six components in every prompt to have a good output. Breaking Down Each Building Block with Specific Examples Task The rule of thumb is to always start the task sentence with an action verb – generate, give, write, analyze, etc., and clearly articulate what your end goal is. It could be one simple task like generating a three-month training program or a complex three-step ask like analyzing hundreds of user feedback, sharing the top three takeaways, and categorizing the feedback based on the team responsible for following up. Context The second component, context, is the trickiest to get right because technically there’s an infinite amount of information you can give. So I found asking myself these three questions to be super helpful in coming up with just enough information to get a good result from ChatGPT: What’s the user’s background? What does success look like? What environment are they in? Back to the workout example, we now have: “I’m a 70kg male looking to put on five kilograms of muscle mass over the next three months. I only have time to go to the gym twice a week and for one hour each session. Give me a three-month training program to follow.” Could I have added more background information? Of course! But the key to staying productive with ChatGPT and Bard is giving just enough information to constrain the endless possibilities. Exemplars Moving over to the exemplars component – it’s just a fancy way of saying examples. Basically, all research on large language models (LLMs) has shown that including examples within the prompt drastically improves the quality of the output. Starting with a simple example: “This is a poorly written bullet point from a resume.” We can now ask ChatGPT to rewrite this bullet point using this structure: “I accomplished X by measure Y that resulted in Z.” This is actually best practice by the way – so actually do this in your resume! For example: “I lowered Hospital mortality rate by 10% by educating nurses.” orders in the first 24 hours. You are tasked with writing a press release to announce this milestone. Use a professional and enthusiastic tone. Here’s an example of a press release: “Apple Inc. is thrilled to announce that our latest innovation, the Apple Car, has received an overwhelming response from customers worldwide with 12,000 pre-orders within the first 24 hours of unveiling.”   Interview Preparation: Answering “What’s Your Biggest Weakness?” When preparing for an interview, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out answer to the question, “What’s your biggest weakness?” Using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Results) answer framework can be helpful. Here’s an example: Situation: In my previous role as a project manager, I realized that my biggest weakness was delegating tasks. Task: I was responsible for leading a team and ensuring the successful completion of projects. Action: I took up leadership training courses and started using project management tools to better assign tasks and track progress. Result: This not only improved my delegation skills but also increased the team’s productivity by 20%. Writing a Job Description Writing a job description can be made easier by referencing an existing one. For instance, if you found a job description on LinkedIn that you liked, you could use it as a guide. The output will follow the same formatting and use professional language, saving you time. The Importance of Persona The persona component is essentially who you want ChatGPT and Bard to be. Think of someone you wish you had instant access to with the task you’re facing. If you’re working on a creative brief, that person might be a senior product marketing manager who’s great at storytelling. Formatting Your Output Visualize how exactly you want the end result to look like. For instance, if you’re dealing with user feedback, you might want ChatGPT to output a table with three headers: the original feedback, the team responsible for following up, and priority. Setting the Tone The tone is easy to understand but can be challenging to implement because we’re usually not very good at recalling potential adjectives and adverbs at a moment’s notice. So here’s a pro tip: tell ChatGPT the feeling you’re going for. For example, if you’re writing an email

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Marketing Media Plan

Media Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an Effective Media planning is a crucial aspect of advertising that involves identifying the most effective media platforms to advertise a client’s brand or product to their target audience. This process is not just about choosing the right platforms; it’s about maximizing the impact of advertising campaigns and ensuring they reach their target audiences as effectively as possible. What is Media Planning? Media planning involves working within advertising agencies or media planning and buying agencies. The aim is to develop appropriate strategies using creative thinking and research. These strategies are designed to ensure that campaigns reach their target audiences as effectively as possible. Knowledge of media and communication platforms is applied to identify the most appropriate mediums for building awareness of a client’s brand. Types of Media Planning Work Media planners work with various platforms: Press Television Radio New media, especially the internet via websites and mobile apps Other more unusual platforms include promotions on buses and taxis. Responsibilities of a Media Planner As a media planner, you’ll need to: Work with the client and the account team to understand the client’s business objectives and advertising strategy. Liaise with the creative agency team, clients, and consumers to develop media strategies and campaigns. Work on several projects at the same time, often for several different clients. Make decisions on the best form of media for specific clients and campaigns. Undertake research and analyze data using specialist industry resources. Identify target audiences and analyze their characteristics, behavior, and media habits. Present proposals, including cost schedules, to clients. Recommend the most appropriate types of media to use, as well as the most effective time spans and locations. Work with colleagues, other departments, and media buyers either in-house or in a specialist agency. Make and maintain good contacts with media owners, such as newspapers, magazines, and websites. Manage client relationships to build respect and gain their trust in your judgment. Proofread advertisement content before release. Maintain detailed records. Evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns to inform future ones. Salary ExpectationsTypical starting salaries for junior, assistant, and basic media planner/buyer positions range from £15,000 to £22,000. As a media planner with several years’ experience and managerial or team leader responsibilities, salaries are in the region of £25,000 to £40,000. At a senior level, salaries range between £50,000 to £80,000+. Working Hours You’ll usually work 40 hours a week. However, this isn’t a 9 am to 5 pm job. You’ll be required to have a flexible approach to your working hours. The role demands regular extra hours. For example, you may need to make new business pitches often at evening presentations. You’ll also be working extra hours to meet client-led deadlines. What to Expect Media planning is a high-pressure, fast-moving profession. Most agencies are based in London with others in major cities such as Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Manchester. However, opportunities in other areas are starting to increase. Large media independents are increasingly international in scope. Many are part of a larger media and communications group whose parent company may be based in another European country or in the USA. Large agencies may represent not only regional and local clients but also national and international clients. You’ll be office-based but will travel within a working day. Occasional overnight stays will be necessary depending on the international standing of the company you work for. The job involves a high level of contact with clients and media owners so includes a degree of socializing. Qualifications Although this area of work is open to all graduates and those with an HND, having degrees or HNDs in certain subjects may increase your chances: Business or management Communication and media studies English and journalism Marketing Psychology Statistics While it’s not impossible entry without a degree or HND is less common, but not impossible. Experience in advertising, marketing, or related fields can be beneficial. Skills Required As a media planner, you’ll need to have: Strong research and analytical skills to understand market trends. Excellent communication skills to present your strategies to clients and team members. Creativity and imagination to come up with innovative campaign ideas. Good negotiation skills to get the best advertising slots for your clients. Attention to detail and ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Career Prospects Media planning offers a wide range of opportunities for career advancement. With experience, you can progress to senior planner, media manager, and eventually media director roles. Some media planners also choose to specialize in a particular type of media or industry. The Future of Media Planning As we move further into the digital age, the role of a media planner is evolving. Traditional forms of media such as television, radio, and print are still relevant, but digital platforms are becoming increasingly important. This includes social media, search engine marketing, email marketing, and mobile apps. The rise of data analytics is also changing the landscape of media planning. With access to more data than ever before, media planners can gain deeper insights into consumer behavior and preferences. This allows for more targeted and personalized campaigns. In addition, technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being used to automate and optimize media planning processes. These technologies can analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, making it easier for media planners to make informed decisions. Challenges in Media Planning Despite the exciting opportunities in media planning, there are also challenges that professionals in this field need to navigate. These include: Keeping up with changes: The media landscape is constantly changing, with new platforms and technologies emerging all the time. Media planners need to stay updated on these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly. Data privacy: With the increased use of data in media planning, issues around data privacy and security are becoming more important. Media planners need to ensure they are complying with data protection laws and ethical guidelines. Measuring success: Determining the success of a media campaign can be complex. It’s not just about

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Digital Marketing Media Plan

Digital Marketing Media Plan in 2024

Unlocking Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an Effective Digital Marketing Media Plan in 2024 Unlock the power of strategic marketing with effective media planning! Dive into the world where marketing objectives meet the right media platforms, creating a roadmap to your success Introduction A Media Plan is an essential document in digital marketing. It’s a comprehensive plan that outlines the strategy for a marketing campaign, detailing the channels to be used, the investment on each platform, the targeting strategy, ad formats, and estimated deliverables. What is a Media Plan? A media plan is typically an Excel sheet or a PDF table that contains three types of information for any campaign: Channel Mix: This includes the channels we are going to invest in for the campaign, such as Facebook, Google Ads, and YouTube, and the amount of money we are investing in each of these platforms. Targeting and Ad Formats: This section details what targeting will be used for each channel and what kind of ad formats will be used. Estimated Deliverables: This includes forecasts about how many impressions, clicks, views, leads, app installs, etc., we expect from each channel. In many cases, especially when onboarding a new client, a media plan is also referred to as the financial proposal which goes to the procurement team. Who Works on a Media Plan? In larger agencies, there are dedicated media planners and media planning teams who work on these media plans. They are generally the campaign owners. They create a media plan based on a strategy, get it approved, and then coordinate with digital media specialists. In smaller agencies or different setups, it’s often the digital media specialists who work on these media plans and send them to clients. Importance of a Media Plan Knowing how to create a media plan or at least understanding what a media plan looks like is crucial if you are associated with digital marketing in any way. Structure of a Media Plan A good media plan is generally divided into three tabs: Summary Tab: This is also known as the Media Plan Executive Summary. This tab is generally used when you need to get approval on this media plan from your client. Executive Summary of a Media Plan The executive summary of a media plan is generally for the Chief Marketing Officer or other decision-makers who need an overview without going into detailed information. This section typically includes: Client: The name of the client for whom the media plan is being created. Project/Campaign: The specific campaign that this media plan is for. Date of Plan: The date when the media plan was created. Campaign Dates: The start and end dates of the campaign. Version: The version number of the media plan. This is important because sometimes changes are made to the plan based on client feedback, and it’s crucial to keep track of these versions. Prepared By: The name of the person or team who prepared the media plan. Agency Fees: The percentage of agency fees, which can vary based on what you agreed with your client. Currency: The currency in which the media plan is presented. VAT: The value-added tax applicable to the services. Point of Contact: The person on the client side to whom you are sending this media plan. This summary tab also includes a table showing a cost-wise breakdown on each platform (like Facebook, Google Search, YouTube, Programmatic Display, and PG Deals), budget allocation per channel, estimated leads from each channel, and estimated cost per lead. Financials and Schedule The financials and schedule section contains columns for each platform (like Facebook and Instagram), market (like UAE), budget allocation (like 50% to Sharjah and 50% to Dubai), language targeting (like 100% Arabic), and theme of the keywords (like “buy house apartment townhouse villa in Dubai”). Filling the Media Plan Once you have your media plan structure ready, you can start filling it with the relevant information. Here’s how you can do it: Billing Metrics: This is where you mention how you are buying on each platform. For example, if you are buying on a Cost-per-view (CPV) basis on YouTube, you mention it here. The billing metrics will be different for each platform based on the buying model you are choosing. Audience Size: You can get the estimated audience size from each platform based on the targeting details you provide. For example, if you go to Facebook and provide the dates, budgets, and targeting details, it will give you an estimated audience size. Frequency: This is where you mention the average frequency of ads that should be shown to the same person within a specific duration. For example, if it’s a one-month campaign and you decided with the client that on Facebook and Instagram, you will not show more than four ads to the same person within this month. Rates: The rate here is for the buying model you are choosing. For example, in terms of YouTube, it’s CPV, so 0.03 is the CPV rate (Cost Per View). Similarly, for Google Search, it is CPC (Cost Per Click), so 2.1 is the cost per click on Google Search. Clicks: You can calculate the number of clicks by dividing impressions by Click Through Rate (CTR). For example, if the general CTR you should expect for this campaign on Facebook is 0.4 percent, you put it here so you will get the clicks. CPC: This can be easily calculated because you know the budget and the number of clicks. So CPC would be the total budget divided by the number of clicks. Once all these details are filled in your media plan, it can serve as a comprehensive guide for your digital marketing campaign. Calculating Metrics in a Media Plan Once you have filled in the basic information in your media plan, you can start calculating various metrics. Here’s how you can do it: Impressions: You can calculate impressions by dividing the total budget by the Click Through Rate (CTR). For example, if the CTR for

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google discover in desktop

Google Discover | How to Get Traffic From Google Discover Feed

Discover on Desktop – A Comprehensive Guide to SEO and Traffic Boost Hello, I’m Rajat Rastogi from Internet Gurukul, and in this video, we’re delving deep into Google Discover. By the end of this video, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to make the most of Google Discover. Let’s start with a quick overview for those new to the concept. Discover is a personalized feed, offering users a continuous stream of news, articles, web stories, and videos tailored to their preferences and browsing history. Initially, it was available on Android devices through the Google app and Chrome. It also appeared on the primary home screen, just a swipe away from the home page. Moreover, in some instances, users could access it by swiping left. This personalized feed also extends to iPhone users through the Google app and Chrome. And soon, it’ll be available on the Chrome browser for desktop platforms. As Discover expands to desktops, the traffic it generates will surge. To make your way into Google Discover, you need to consider several key factors. There are a total of 15 crucial points to cover, ensuring that your web page and website are optimized for this feature. Let’s break these points down: Don’t Miss: SEO Updates from Last Month: A Comprehensive Roundup 1. Image Quality: Ensure your web page features high-quality images with a width of at least 1200 pixels. Quality is key here, as blurry, pixelated, or poorly lit images won’t cut it. 2. Meta Tag Setting: Set the max image preview robots meta tag to ‘large’ on your web page. This tag dictates how Google displays your page’s images in the preview. 3. Logo Usage: Avoid using your website’s logo excessively, particularly as a social media sharing card. Use it sparingly in graphics and refrain from using it in social media sharing cards. 4. Meta Title: Ensure that your page’s title aligns with its content. The title is prominently featured in Google Discover and should accurately represent the page’s content. 5. Avoid Exaggeration: Refrain from sensationalism in titles, descriptions, and thumbnails. Clickbait may increase click-through rates but can also result in dissatisfaction if the content doesn’t match the hype. 6. Content Relevance: Create content that is either aligned with current trends or offers unique insights. Google Discover users are looking for interesting and informative content. 7. RSS Feed: Ensure that your website has an RSS feed enabled. Google uses this feed to populate Discover. Most websites already have this enabled. 8. No Blocking RSS Feed: Do not block or disallow your RSS feed URL in robots.txt, as this can hinder Googlebot from accessing it. 9. Keep RSS Feed Updated: Prevent your caching plugin from caching RSS feed URLs to keep them updated for Google to crawl. 10. Allow Follow Feature: Make sure your website has a ‘follow RSS feed’ or ‘follow Atom feed’ feature. This allows users and bots to stay updated without visiting the page directly. 11. RSS Feed Title and Link Elements: Verify that your RSS feed URL includes title and link elements. This is crucial for Google to display your content correctly in Google Discover. 12. Adherence to Google Policies: Abide by Google’s policies, avoiding vulgarity, hate speech, extremism, scams, and harassment in your content. Google will not allow pages with such content to appear in Discover. 13. Sponsored Content Disclosure: Clearly mark all sponsored content on your page so that users can easily identify it. Transparency is crucial for sponsored content. 14. Political Affiliation Disclosure: If your content is affiliated with a political party, provide a clear disclosure of your content. 15. Author and Contact Information: Share clear information about the author, publisher, and contact details of your website. Transparency and accessibility are key. By implementing these steps, you can significantly improve your chances of appearing in Google Discover and reap the rewards of increased web traffic. Get on Discover | Google Search Central | Documentation Hear a Related search of  Discovery  Discover on Desktop Windows 10: Google is testing its popular Discover feed for desktop users. The Discover feed, as seen on mobile devices, will likely venture to the Google.com web home page very soon when users visit the site on their desktop browsers. However, as of mid-2021, you cannot access Discover on your desktop as Google has only made it around the mobile experience.    Discover on Desktop Android: Google is testing its Discover feed on the desktop version of the search page, similar to the mobile version. This feature is currently in the experimental phase for some users in India.   Google Discover on Desktop Chrome: Google is testing its Discover feed on the desktop version of the search page, similar to the mobile version. However, as of mid-2021, you cannot access Discover on your desktop as Google has only made it around the mobile experience.    Discover for Windows 10: There isn’t specific information about Discover for Windows 10. However, Microsoft has added a news and weather feed to the Windows 10 taskbar which is similar to Google Discover.   Discover Extension: There isn’t a specific  Discover extension. However, content is automatically eligible to appear in Discover if it is indexed by Google and meets Discover’s content policies.    Feed on Desktop: Google is testing a new Discover Feed on its desktop homepage in India. This feed will show users recommended content, such as news headlines, weather forecasts, sports scores, and stock information.    Discover on Mobile: Discover is a mobile experience that lets you discover content you didn’t even know you needed. It’s intended to help you discover content from around the web that pertains to your interests.   Google Discover on Android: To have a look at Discover, simply open the Google app, as Discover should be enabled by default. If you’re running stock Android on certain devices, you may be able to swipe right on the home screen as a shortcut. FAQ: Q1: Can I get Google Discover on my PC? Discover is now becoming

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Create a perfect Landing Page

Landing Page Optimization: The Proven Blueprint

Landing Page Optimization: The Proven Blueprint A landing page is an essential tool when trying to get visitors to do certain actions, like downloading a lead magnet or completing a purchase. The purpose of a landing page is to reassure users and provide them with clarity regarding how to complete the desired action. Optimize a landing page by following a tried-and-true template with a hero section that highlights the advantages of the offer. The subheading details the specific offering, while the headline should highlight the main concept, outcome, or transformation. There should be a basic opt-in form and a clear and succinct call to action (CTA). Conversion rates can also be raised by social evidence and assurance messaging. An emotional bond might be formed between the offering and a hero image. The benefit section should highlight, with visual aids like icons, pictures, or illustrations, how the offer enhances the audience’s lives. Trust can be increased with testimonials, star ratings, and a FAQ section that answers frequently asked questions and common concerns. After the page, there should be a clear call to action. What is a Landing Page? Before we dive into the intricacies of creating a perfect landing page, let’s start with the basics. What exactly is a landing page? In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web page designed with a single, focused objective – typically, to capture the visitor’s information, such as their email address, in exchange for valuable content or offers. Landing pages are a vital tool for various marketing campaigns, including email marketing, PPC advertising, and social media promotions. here are some Landing page examples. Landing Page Meaning The meaning of a landing page is simple – it’s the first page your visitors “land” on when they click on a link from an email, ad, or another online source. This is where they make the critical decision to engage with your content or not. Therefore, creating a compelling landing page is crucial to your marketing success. Hero Section: Grabbing Attention The average landing page converts only about 9% of its traffic, often due to mistakes in design or content. But, you can easily double that conversion rate by following a proven landing page blueprint. This layout consistently achieves conversion rates of over 20% due to its simplicity and alignment with human psychology. In the hero section, which is the top part of your landing page, it’s crucial to make a strong impression because if visitors land here and don’t find what they need, they won’t continue scrolling. Let’s break down what makes this section so effective. Why Landing Pages Matter: A landing page is a specific web page designed to persuade visitors to take one particular action. This action could be signing up for a lead magnet, scheduling a free consultation, or making a purchase. Landing pages are all about making visitors feel confident and clear about taking that desired action. One notable feature of a landing page is the absence of navigation options. You’ve directed your audience here for a specific purpose, so avoid providing various exit routes. here are some landing page builders. Crafting a Compelling Hero Section 1. Headline: The headline should focus on the big idea, result, or transformation your offer promises, not just the product or service itself. Remember, people are looking for a better future and version of themselves. 2. Sub Headline: This complements the headline by specifying the actual offering. It bridges the emotional appeal of the headline with the practicality of your product or service. 3. Call to Action (CTA): Your CTA can take various forms, such as a signup form, a booking tool, or a “buy now” button. The text on the CTA button should be crystal clear about what happens when visitors click it. 4. Opt-in Form: Keep the form minimal. To maximize conversions, ask for only essential information, such as first name and email address. Visitors are often hesitant to share personal data. 5. Reassurance Text: Address visitors’ concerns about sharing their information. Assure them that their data is safe with you. This small addition can increase conversions by 7%. 6. Social Proof: Display third-party ratings and reviews or showcase logos of businesses you’ve worked with. This builds trust and credibility. 7. Hero Image: Use a photo or illustration of a person or people using your product or experiencing the benefits. This creates an emotional connection with your offering. Benefit Section: How Your Offer Makes Life Better 8. Benefits: Focus on how your offer improves the lives of your audience. Highlight the outcomes, not just the features. Start with features, then identify the benefits they deliver. 9. Visual Representation: Use icons, photos, or illustrations to visually depict the benefits. Content combined with images has an 80% greater chance of being read. Social Proof: Building Trust 10. Testimonials: Short, to-the-point testimonials with photos of satisfied customers can significantly enhance trust. Make sure they address specific results, transformations, or objections. 11. Star Ratings: Include a 5-star graphic with each testimonial to emphasize the positive nature of the reviews. Addressing Objections and Questions 12. FAQ Section: List common questions and objections and provide clear and compelling answers to them. Proactively address concerns to boost confidence. Final CTA 13. Call to Action: End the page with a final, clear call to action. Encourage visitors one more time to take the desired action. This blueprint simplifies the landing page creation process and aligns with visitor psychology. Implementing each element, and continually optimizing your page, can lead to impressive conversion rates. landing page templates free download However, creating an effective landing page is only one part of your customer generation strategy. To learn more about driving more traffic to your page and earning your audience’s trust, sign up for our complete Master Class. Click the link to unlock a wealth of knowledge on customer generation strategies. How to Make a Beautiful Landing Page That Converts | 5 Tips for Optimizing Your Website (2023) You’re driving traffic to your

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The Power of Performance and Branding in Marketing

Performance and Branding in Marketing

Performance marketing and branding are crucial aspects of marketing, with performance marketing being a direct, results-driven approach and branding being a salaried employee. Understanding the target audience is essential for both strategies, as local or nationwide audiences may require a more cost-effective approach. Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for branding, aiming to create buzz around the brand. The Four Pillars of Branding include strategic, visual, messaging, and awareness, which help create a strong brand that resonates with the target audience. Achieving the right balance between performance and branding is essential for business growth. The Power of Performance and Branding in Marketing Marketing is a vast field with numerous strategies and techniques. It’s divided into two main parts: performance and branding. Understanding these two aspects can significantly impact your business growth. Performance vs Branding Performance marketing is like having a salesman. You tell them, “If you sell one product, you’ll get Rs. 100. If you sell 1000 products, you earn money. If you don’t sell, I won’t give you money.” It’s a direct, results-driven approach. On the other hand, branding is like having a salaried employee. Their job is to meet people, create awareness about your brand, and build relationships. It doesn’t matter if they sell or not. A successful business is built on a mixture of both performance and branding. The Role of Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for branding. Brands often collaborate with influencers to talk about their products or services within a specific timeframe. This strategy aims to create a buzz around the brand, making people curious about what it offers. The Importance of Target Audience Whether you’re doing performance marketing or branding, understanding your target audience is crucial. If your target audience is local, branding might be more cost-effective. However, if your target audience is nationwide, performance marketing might be a better option due to budget constraints. The Four Pillars of Branding Branding rests on four major pillars: strategic, visual, messaging, and awareness. Strategic: This involves the company’s mission, values, and overall strategy. Visual: This includes the visual elements that represent the brand. Messaging: This refers to the communication aspect of the brand. Awareness: This involves making people aware of the brand. Understanding these pillars can help create a strong brand that resonates with your target audience. Conclusion Whether you’re just starting or have been in business for a while, understanding the power of performance and branding in marketing can help drive your business growth. Remember, it’s not about choosing one over the other; it’s about finding the right balance between performance and branding that works best for your business. The Strategic Pillar of Branding The strategic pillar of branding is intrinsic and often invisible to the customer, but it governs the entire company. It’s the foundation, the “NEEV,” upon which a business is built. This pillar encompasses the company’s values, purpose, mission, and vision. Values: The Ethics of Business Values define what’s right and wrong for a business. They form the ethical framework within which the company operates. Being honest, for instance, is a value that many companies uphold. It’s about being transparent with your customers and stakeholders, even if it means admitting mistakes or shortcomings. Purpose: The ‘Why’ of Business The purpose answers the question, “Why are we doing what we are doing?” It’s the driving force behind every action and decision in the business. For example, a company might have a purpose to generate individuals who can earn a significant income each month. Mission: The ‘What’ of Business The mission statement outlines what the company wants to achieve. It should ideally be quantifiable and time-bound. However, it’s important to note that missions can change over time as businesses evolve and pivot. Vision: The ‘How’ of Business While the mission explains what a company wants to achieve, the vision describes how it plans to achieve those goals. For instance, a company might have a vision to make earning an income more accessible by providing comprehensive digital marketing courses. The Evolution of Business Goals: Mission and Vision Business goals, encapsulated in the mission and vision statements, are not set in stone. They evolve as the business grows and adapts to the changing market dynamics. Mission: The Evolving Goal A mission statement outlines what a company wants to achieve. It’s the goal that drives every action and decision in the business. For instance, a company might start with a mission to generate individuals who can earn a significant income each month. However, as the business evolves, this mission can change. The mission should ideally be quantifiable and time-bound, but it’s important to remember that it can change over time. Businesses pivot, and with each pivot, the mission can change. This is a natural part of business evolution. Vision: The Changing Path While the mission explains what a company wants to achieve, the vision describes how it plans to achieve those goals. A vision can change as the business grows and explores new opportunities. For example, a company might start with a vision to make earning an income more accessible by providing comprehensive digital marketing courses. But as it grows and expands its offerings, this vision might evolve to include creating a one-stop platform for all financial needs. Values: The Constant Guide While missions and visions may change, values often remain constant. They form the ethical framework within which the company operates. Being honest, for instance, is a value that many companies uphold. It’s about being transparent with your customers and stakeholders, even if it means admitting mistakes or shortcomings. Visual, Messaging, and Awareness: The Other Pillars of Branding Apart from the strategic pillar, there are three other crucial pillars of branding: visual, messaging, and awareness. Visual: The Look of the Brand The visual aspect of a brand includes its logo, typography, colors, and images. These elements play a significant role in how the brand is perceived. For instance, a brand might use specific colors to convey certain emotions or values. Messaging: The

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Understanding the Concept of Need, Want, and Demand in Marketing

Demand in Marketing: What You Need to Know

Understanding the concepts of need, want, and demand in marketing is crucial for creating effective marketing strategies. Need refers to basic requirements, while want is a desire for something that can satisfy the same need in different ways. In marketing, the key is to cater to the needs of the target audience rather than their wants. Demand is a subset of purchasing power and is influenced by perceived value. The 7 P’s of marketing, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence, are essential elements in creating an effective marketing strategy. These elements include product quality, price, place, and promotion. By catering to the needs of your target audience and providing value through your products or services, you can create effective marketing strategies that drive growth and success. Understanding the Concepts of Need, Want, and The terms ‘need,’ ‘desire,’ and ‘demand’ are frequently used interchangeably in the marketing industry. They do, however, have diverse connotations that might have a considerable impact on your marketing plan. Let us go deeper into these ideas to acquire a better grasp. The Distinction Between Need and Want A ‘need’ is a basic survival requirement, such as water when you’re thirsty. A ‘want’, on the other hand, is a desire for something that isn’t necessary for living but can satisfy the same need in various ways. For example, if you’re thirsty, you could choose a soda or an alcoholic beverage over water. In marketing, ‘need’ relates to what you already have, and ‘desire’ refers to what a product can fulfill. For example, you may require a meal (roti) but desire pizza. The idea here is to discover and cater to your target audience’s ‘needs’ rather than their ‘wants’. The Importance of  Demand in Marketing Purchasing power is a subset of demand. It enters the picture when a consumer has the financial means to satisfy their desires. For example, tap water, RO water, packaged water like Bisleri, and even luxury black water costing Rs.500 are all available in the market. The type of water you drink is determined by your purchasing ability. However, demand is not entirely determined by purchasing power; it is also influenced by perceived worth. Consumers frequently view more-priced products to be of higher quality. Because of their higher price tags, Apple items, for example, are seen as superior to MI products. The Seven Ps of Marketing Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence are the seven fundamental pillars of marketing. These components are essential in developing an efficient marketing plan. Product Quality, features, branding, equity, and guarantees are all characteristics of the product. To avoid unethical marketing methods, it is critical to be honest about the quality and characteristics of your product. Price Your product’s price should match its perceived value. It should be set at a price that your target audience will accept and that corresponds to their purchasing capacity. Place The location is the location where your goods are sold. It could be done online or in person. Promotion All techniques of communicating with buyers about your product are included in the promotion. People, Process, and Physical Evidence are the last three P’s that are more relevant for service-based firms but can also apply to product-based businesses. Finally, any marketer or business owner must comprehend the principles of need, want, and demand. You may produce efficient marketing by catering to the demands of your target audience and giving value through your products or services. Payment Terms and Product Delivery Payment terms and product delivery methods are crucial aspects of your marketing strategy. You could ask for payment upfront, after a trial period, or even after the customer starts seeing results. Similarly, your product could be delivered physically or digitally, depending on its nature. The Importance of Place in Marketing The ‘place’ in marketing refers to where your product is sold. It could be online or in physical stores. The key is to ensure that your product is available wherever your target audience is likely to look for it. Promotion and Influencer Marketing Promotion is all about how you communicate with your customers about your product. In today’s digital age, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful promotional tool. It involves partnering with influencers – individuals with a substantial online following and influence – to promote your product. Influencer marketing can be particularly effective for small businesses. By giving free products to nano or micro-influencers (those with a smaller but significant following), you can reach a wider audience without a huge investment. However, it’s important to choose influencers who align with your brand values to avoid brand dilution. Also, remember that while influencers with millions of followers can provide extensive reach, their endorsement might not be as impactful if they’re constantly promoting different products. Influencer Marketing and Brand Dilution Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for promoting your brand. However, it’s important to be mindful of brand dilution. If an influencer is promoting too many brands, their endorsement might not be as impactful. It’s crucial to find influencers who align with your brand values and can create a genuine connection with their audience. Influencer marketing can also be a cost-effective strategy for small businesses. By offering free products to nano or micro-influencers, you can reach a wider audience without a huge investment. However, it’s important to ensure that the influencer’s audience aligns with your target market. Direct Marketing Direct marketing is another effective promotional strategy. This involves reaching out to potential customers directly. For example, you could use digital ads or even traditional methods like posters or flyers. The key is to think smartly about how you can reach your target audience most effectively. The Role of People in Marketing The ‘People’ in the 7 P’s of marketing refers to everyone who comes into contact with your customers, including your employees and yourself. It’s important to ensure that everyone in your organization understands and embodies your brand values. The Importance of Process Demand in Marketing The

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5 High-value Skills for Success in Your Career

5 High-value Skills for Success in Your Career

5 High-value Skills for Success in Your Career “Master high-value skills and your life will be settled” is a common phrase we hear throughout our academic and professional journey. However, this might not be the complete truth. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are essential skills for success in both academic and professional journeys. Mastering these skills can lead to job creation and job elimination. Start with Python and explore various libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and TensorFlow. Salesmanship is crucial for success in any career, as it involves selling oneself through speech, attire, salary expectations, and personal relationships. Effective writing differentiates brands from mediocre ones, and social media and personal branding are essential for gaining attention and advancing in your career. Focus on discoverability and mastering these skills to succeed in your professional journey. 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning The ability to use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools in your workflow is going to be crucial in the next five years. Regardless of your field, understanding the basics of these tools can help you accomplish more in less time. Job descriptions will soon include the requirement of knowing AI tools and prompt engineering. The demand for AI and ML skills is skyrocketing across the globe. While AI is predicted to eliminate about 8.7 crore jobs in the next five years, it’s also expected to create 6.9 crore new jobs. To seize these opportunities, start with Python as your programming language, then learn about different Python libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and frameworks like TensorFlow and Scikit-learn. Once you’ve mastered these, move on to understanding different types of models, neural networks, deep learning, and how to create deep neural networks to solve specific problems. If you’re unsure about where to start, AWS offers a free Machine Learning Basics course that covers essential concepts, terminology, and phases of the machine learning pipeline. Read More: The Future of AI in Digital Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges 2. Salesmanship The second high-value skill that most people neglect is salesmanship. Consider two individuals: one holds the Guinness World Record for being the best salesman in the world, and the other is Jordan Belfort, the infamous salesman portrayed in “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Both excel at persuading others to take action, a skill that many college students and early-career professionals lack. We are all salespeople in some way or another. We sell ourselves for opportunities through our speech, attire, salary expectations, and even in our relationships. Unfortunately, many of us are poor at selling ourselves. This skill can set you up for an amazing career if you master it. Start by striking up conversations with strangers and reading books like “Influence” and “48 Laws of Power.” 3. Effective Writing The third skill is effective writing or copywriting. This skill differentiates the best brands from mediocre ones. Clever ads stick in our minds because they have an effective copy. If a Google search of your name doesn’t yield your blogs, Instagram, or LinkedIn profiles, that’s a problem. People spend about seven seconds on your LinkedIn profile, so having a captivating headline is crucial to stand out from the crowd. The same applies to cold emails and DMs. The only way to get better at copywriting is through practice and studying successful examples. 4. People Management The fourth high-value skill is people management. Until now, you’ve been working independently – studying alone, writing exams alone, reading books alone. However, your career will involve working in teams, possibly leading people and persuading them. This skill is crucial for advancing to higher executive roles. Pranav, a staff engineer at Facebook, shared that the most important skill he uses every day is the ability to work effectively with people. He spends most of his time assigning tasks and working with his team to achieve goals. The only way to improve this skill is by working with teams in clubs and societies in your college. 5. Social Media and Personal Branding The fifth high-value skill is social media and personal branding. Most people learn a skill, send out applications, and then just wait. They keep waiting, keep getting rejected, and feel sad every time. The problem is that they’re not focusing on their discoverability. The minute I started sharing my journey and learnings on LinkedIn, I got a ton of opportunities while just in the second year of college. So put yourself out there, share your learnings, and see the magic that happens as a result. When you combine all these five skills with your core skill – knowing how to effectively use AI tools, selling something effectively, persuading people, writing effectively, managing people, being discoverable, and having a strong brand on social media – you become unstoppable. People would want to work with you and will pay you 10x more than what others are making in your same industry. Remember to hit the like button and subscribe to this channel for more valuable content. This might just be what you need to get a great head start in your career! To wrap up, don’t forget to check out the free AWS Machine Learning Basics course. It’s a great resource to help you get started with the field of AI. Read More: The Top 8 High-Demand Skills in Digital Marketing 2024 How can I improve my branding? To enhance personal branding, follow key steps: define your attributes, invest in professional photos, create a unique brand look, document and share experiences, learn to speak on camera, test different platforms, create a schedule, connect with your audience, keep social accounts relevant, and build credibility. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, participate in relevant online groups, and stay ahead of the competition. Remember, personal branding is about projecting yourself to the outside world, so be proud of your story. Improving your branding entails a few crucial steps: Define Your Attributes and Strengths: Recognize what makes you special and how you can differentiate yourself from others. Invest in high-quality photographs

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Understanding Google’s Indexing Problems and Recent Updates 2023

Google’s Indexing Problems and Recent Updates

Understanding Google’s Indexing Problems and Recent Updates Hello everyone, I am Rajat Rastogi from Internetgurukul.com. In today’s blog post, we will be discussing Google’s indexing problems and the solution to recent updates. The Problem with Google Many of us have issues with Google. Some complain that Google is not indexing their website, while others grumble that their high-quality content is not ranking. Some are worried about their content being stolen and not ranked by Google. With Google releasing updates one after the other, it’s natural to feel a sense of panic and confusion. The Cost of Running a Search Engine Have you ever wondered what hardware is needed to make a search engine? And how many staff would be needed? Google is not going to share its own process and hardware information. But let’s look at the hardware and staff requirements of a normal search engine. We will need crawling servers, web servers, load balancers, database servers, and caching servers. And along with that, we will need a massive bandwidth network connection. And if we talk about staff, we need DevOps engineers, software engineers, data engineers, and support staff. Together, we will also need project managers. If we make a normal search engine that only indexes 10 lakh pages and only handles 1 lakh searches every day, then the cost of such a search engine will be around 50 lakh rupees per month. Now Google indexes crores of pages and handles 850 crore visits every day. You can estimate the cost for Google. According to Google’s documents, in 2022, it spent around 2 lakh crores on its infrastructure. This amount is more than the budget of the entire state of Punjab and a little less than Tamil Nadu. High-Quality Content Google does not want to crawl or index any page that does not add value. Whose content is not good. Which the user is not searching. Which no one wants to read. We turn around and come to the same keyword – high-quality content. But what is high-quality content? It is essential to understand this because everyone says that indexing should also have high-quality content and ranking should also have high-quality content. High quality is a relative term. On one page, the sign of the adjective high quality can go to the other page quality or dangerous content can also be made. So maybe Google system is not able to confidently decide the quality. In conclusion, understanding Google’s indexing problems and recent updates can help us better optimize our websites for search engines. Remember that high-quality content is key to getting indexed and ranked by Google. The Challenge of Quality Content Google uses a lot of direct and indirect signals to determine the quality of content. For instance, Google almost always indexes the homepage of every website, regardless of whether the sitemap is submitted or not, or whether backlinks are made or not. Google takes data from the domain registrar and indexes the homepage of the website. But whether it will index other pages or not depends on a lot of different signals. These signals include the quality of the content on the homepage, internal linking, and whether the website has submitted the sitemap or not. Google gives a hint in its quality raters guideline, but most SEOs are not able to judge their content on their basis. The Expectation of High-Quality Content Google expects you to compare your content with the best content, not with the worst content. Remember, I told you at the beginning of the video, what is the estimate of Google’s expenses? Well, the truth is that so much content has been published that even if your content is better than 70% of your niche or industry website, Google doesn’t want to index it because there is no need for it. The Limitations of AI Systems Humans don’t make all these screening, crawling, and indexing decisions. Google is taking AI systems. And along with AI systems, you should always remember one thing. This is a very simple thing but almost everyone is ignoring it right now in the SEO world. That is, these AI systems are never 100% accurate. 100% accuracy has not been in Google’s system for many years. And it’s fine for Google because as I just said, the internet is very big and it is growing very fast. No manual system can do this task for Google. The bad thing is that they will work with less accurate AI systems. The Impact on SEO So how can an SEO understand whether its content is worth indexing or not? Or whether it is worth ranking or not? Well, there are two ways and both are not easy. There are two ways – number one is user satisfaction and number two is your experience. User satisfaction is not something you can find in GA, GST, SEMrush, or any tool. Bounce rate, and session duration – these are all useless metrics. The real metric is how many users are coming to your website again and again. How many times are people sharing your pages on social media? And how much natural link is your content earning? User Satisfaction and Experience User satisfaction and experience are two key factors that can help an SEO understand whether their content is worth indexing or not, or whether it is worth ranking or not. Customer happiness is determined by how many users are coming to your website again and again, how many times people are sharing your pages on social media, and how many natural links your content is earning. How many times is it happening that people are naturally linking your article to their website? All of these little things help Google understand that your website is more helpful for a particular niche or query, and it should rank it. Your experience as an SEO or a webmaster also plays a crucial role. If you understand that your content is valuable and people visiting your website are constantly

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SEO Updates Last Month

SEO updates Last Month

SEO Updates from Last Month: A Comprehensive Roundup Hello everyone, I am Rajat Rastogi from internetgurukul.com. Welcome to our special monthly blog series, SEO Updates Last Month, where we bring you all the SEO news, views, and updates from the previous month, complete with their official links. Special Highlight: Google’s Search Central Live Event This month’s video has something special. On September 25th, Google’s Search Central Live event took place in Delhi. Some of you had the opportunity to meet people, take photos, and engage in discussions with Google’s team. Google Updates Site Names in Search Results The first news is from Google. On September 7th, Google announced that site names will now be available in all languages on both desktop and mobile search results pages. These site names can be set using schema data. Language Search Updates On September 8, Google announced some updates about searches in different languages. Google can now automatically translate the answers of one language search from the page of another language. If there is content in more than one language on your website, then you will have to indicate the language of that page through the URL structure or hyperlink tags. YouTube Ad Controls On September 7th, YouTube announced new ad controls. Until now, YouTube creators could decide whether to show ads in the middle of a video or not. But from November, all this will change. Creators will either be able to turn on the ad in the video or turn it off. How to show ads and where to show ads will be decided by YouTube. Meta Updates On September 8th, Meta announced that you can now search for posts on the Threads app. Until now, you could only search for users on Threads, not posts. Google Search Console Updates for E-commerce Websites On September 11th, Google Search Console announced some updates for e-commerce websites. From now on, you will also see a report called Shopping Tab Listing in the Search Console. In this report, you will get information about your products that were visible in Google’s Shopping tab but are not visible now. Google Merchant Center and Google Search Console Integration Your Google Merchant Center account and Google Search Console should be connected to get more details from the page. Advertisers and Political Parties As advertisers, we should remain neutral. If any party contacts you to run an advert or to do SEO, then take money for the project. Don’t think about who to follow. Take money from anyone. They are doing their business. You do your business. Schema Data Updates On September 14th, Google removed How-to type schema data from the desktop as well. Before this, on August 8th, Google announced that they were removing How-to type results from the mobile. BARD Updates On September 19th, Google’s chat GPT, which is BARD, announced a lot of updates. Let’s see them one by one: Multilingual Capabilities: You can start talking to BARD in one language and then you can continue in more than 40 languages. Integration with Google Products: BARD can now fetch information from Google’s other products like Map, YouTube, Flight, and Hotels. Access to Google Drive, Google Docs, and Gmail: BARD can now fetch information from Google Drive, Google Docs, and Gmail and show it to you. Shared Chats: You can have a conversation with the shared chats. Controversy with BARD’s Shared URL Gagan discovered on 26th September that BARD’s shared URL is being indexed by Google and is even shown in search results. Thanks to Gagan’s discovery, Google removed this mistake on 29th September. Google Analytics Updates Google Analytics has launched a new report for e-commerce websites called Checkout Journey Report. Meta Facebook Updates Another news from 19th September is from Meta aka Facebook. Meta aka Facebook has launched a new business-based platform that is slowly rolling out to businesses. Meta Facebook Business Platform Facebook has launched a new business-based platform that is slowly rolling out to businesses. They have set a low rate of $21.99 for Instagram and Facebook. If you pay $34.99, you will get a blue tick on both Instagram and Facebook. This is a useful feature for businesses as it offers better customer support and increased visibility on these platforms. Microsoft Video and CTV Ads On 20 September, Microsoft launched video and CTV ads. CTV stands for Connected Television. These ads will be shown on different streaming apps like MSN, CNN, Hulu, Washington Post, Journal, People, etc. According to Microsoft, these ads are very simple to create and they will use Microsoft’s AI system to create and run both. Google Ads Automatic Creation On 20 September, Google Ads automatically created Google Ads for all users. This feature will be available in 7 other languages Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. Microsoft’s Disavow Tool On 21st September, Microsoft announced that in October, Microsoft’s Disavow tool and its API would stop working. Like Google’s Disavow tool, Microsoft’s Disavow tool also gives a feature to a webmaster that can block links from a website. Wix Supports IndexNow Protocol The second news of 21st September is also from Microsoft. Microsoft has announced that the website builder platform Wix will now support the IndexNow protocol. YouTube Updates Another news of 21st September is from YouTube. YouTube has announced 5 new features in its Made for YouTube event. These features are yet to come or are in beta testing. YouTube’s Search Assistant YouTube will launch a new feature called Search Assistant, which will suggest the best music to put in your videos through chat. This AI-based feature will help creators choose the right music for their videos. Google’s Search Central Live Event On September 25th, Google’s Search Central Live event took place in Delhi. The event was a great opportunity for networking and strengthening relationships with Google executives. However, no unique information was shared that could be of interest to a normal search professional. Meta Facebook AI Announcements On 27th September, Meta Facebook made some AI announcements. You will be able to use AI stickers on Meta platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. On Instagram, AI-based image recognition will be

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